Project Members
Prof. Aleksandar Jovanovic
Ms. Vanessa Pfau
Ms. Mai Thi Nguyen
Contact us: info<at>risk-technologies.com
Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Group (R-Tech) is a cluster of business units belonging to and/or linked to Steinbeis. Over 1000 Steinbeis units are present in over 50 countries worldwide and they act as a global player in the area of innovation management and technology transfer. The “Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies” group of units deals with various aspects of risks, risk engineering and risk management, in:
- power plants and energy supply
- petro-chemical and process plants
- material technologies, especially advanced material technologies
- new & alternative technologies (CO2, H2, nano, …)
Main practical issues dealt with are:
- risks in/of innovation (e.g. risks of unexpected side-effects)
- risk of non-performance or performance below expectations (e.g. risks of system or component failures)
- risk of adverse/unexpected effects and impacts (e.g. on public health and/or environment)
- risks over the life-cycle of products and technologies (e.g. unexpected problems in decommissioning or recycling phase)
- risk-based inspection (RBI)
- reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
- project risks, especially in innovation, R&D and new technologies oriented projects.
R-Tech is also one of the five founding members of European Risk & Resilience Institute EU-VRi. The institute is an EEIG. The group is capable to cover the above topics either on its own or in close co-operation with Steinbeis network, European Risk & Resilience Institute (EU-VRi), Virtual Institute of Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials, European Technology Platform Industrial Safety and other networks (all involving over 2,000 persons and over 500 companies)
The activities of the R-Tech group involve projects and activities on industrial, national, EU, and international level, tackling, e.g.:
- integrated management of risk related to new technologies (e.g the iNTeg-Risk project)
- smart resilience indicators for Smart Critical Infrastructures (SCIs) (SmartResilience Project)
- standardization it the area of emerging risks and resilience, e.g. the CWA 16694 (DIN SPEC 91299:2013-10)